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why raw? 

A raw food diet is considered to be “anti-diet”- however, it’s more like a lifestyle that simply promotes eating more real foods in their natural state just as Gorillas do. Gorillas share over 98% of DNA with us, and are herbivore natural eaters, who are healthy and don’t suffer diseases which plague western society.  So it’s about eating mostly or all unprocessed and uncooked foods so you get all the nutrients without the dangerous additives. Dehydrated foods are part of a raw diet, in as much as there is no cooking. 


 what's dehydrated food?

Drying (dehydrating) food is one of the oldest and easiest methods of food preservation. Dehydration is the process of removing water or moisture from a food product. Removing moisture from foods makes them smaller and lighter, but does not involve cooking. We dehydrate below 42C which is the optimal temperature to keep it all RAW!  


how are you paleo friendly ?

Although all of our products are vegan and vegan society certified, they are what we call paleo-friendly because they do not contain any grains, only activated nuts and seeds and fruits. They are 100% plant based and ideal for those choosing a paleo diet.  

isn't buckwheat a grain?

No- it is actually a seed not a grain! It is another one of those ingredients with a name that confuses people. 


why are your products so expensive?

A better question is why are many mainstream cereals and snacks so cheap?
Many products are cheap because they are made with empty calories, bulked up with cheap ingredients that are loaded with refined sugar (the biggest cause of diabetes and obesity), preservatives and other nasties.
We have deliberately chosen the best 100% organic whole food ingredients which are all plant based.
Not only this, but we also add superfoods such as Lucuma, Maca, and raw Cacao.
We use activated buckwheat seeds as the base of the products which is also full of nutrition.
The processes we go through to keep the ingredients raw and optimal include soaking all nuts and seeds and activating them for optimal nutrition and absorption.

As you can see we go through a lot of trouble to create a fantastic product. We don’t mess with nature, we don’t mess with food, we don’t mess with your health.


why activate?

Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts and seeds can be minimised or eliminated by soaking. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens. They occur naturally to preserve seeds in times of no water. Just as in nature, when seeds and nuts are soaked the inhibitors are eliminated.


do your products have refined sugar?

No! Gorillas don’t eat refined sugar so we don’t! We have deliberately made all products refined-sugar-free. Our range of Munchies, chocolate and keto breakfasts have no added sugar. 

In all of our products, the sweet taste comes from natural fruits, coconut blossom, lucuma or even tigernuts.


what are tiger nuts?

Tiger nuts are not actually a nut despite their name. They are the tubers of a plant called yellow nutsedge.

Tiger nuts also called aya (Hausa), ofio (Yoruba) or chufas (Spanish) are a highly nutritious plant food with a high energy content (starch, fats, sugars and proteins). These small, round tubers (either fresh or dried) are rich in minerals such as phosphorous, potassium and vitamins E and C.

They have many health benefits. 


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